"Namrata Vasudevan
parents of Rachana- Jr.KG"


We want to take this moment to show our gratitude towards Chrysalis Kids Whitefield and a big thank you for all the wonderful efforts being made in these testing times. You all are doing a commendable job be it managing the online classes or the offline videos for the kids. The videos uploaded for the kids are so thoughtful and creative which keeps all kids engaged. Special mention to Ma’am and co teachers who are instrumental in teaching discipline in the smallest way possible and engaging the small kids during the online class which is not at all an easy task. We still remember when we were confused for our kids school last year and finally happy for the decision we took.We are extremely satisfied and proud to be part of Chrysalis. A big applause to all the teachers for encouraging and motivating all kids to participate in each and every activity and the way they handle everything with so much love and care is really what as parents we look up to. Once again we thank you all from the bottom of our hearts.

"Parents of Ayden Renjith- Jr.KG"


Its has been amazing to experience our happy little son Ayden, popping out of his cocoon in his early years of schooling. The efforts put by his teachers to improve his personal, emotional and social domains along with academics has been commendable. The excellent student : teacher ratio makes him to connect well with his teachers. We thank the Chrysalis Kids management for selecting such passionate teachers and for providing excellent exposure to our little ones.

parent of Khasini (Sr. KG) and Siddharth (Nursery)"


We are happy to be part of Chrysalis. We have 2 kids, Elder one started her education with Chrysalis and now she is in Sr.KG. On experiencing her interest towards her school & teachers, we engaged our son in Nursery grade.
The management and teachers are so kind and respond promptly for any queries or concerns.
Despite of the pandemic situation , the school takes all efforts to create classroom environment for kids.
Kudos to entire team for their sincere effort!

"Parents of Anika Menon (Jr.KG)"


We would like to take this opportunity to thank the Curriculum team and all who have supported us in this academic year so far.
Particularly in Anika's case, where as parents, we were unsure on how to approach w.r.t her learning and curriculum, Chrysalis team has been more helpful with every request - be it understanding our challenges or re enabling any online content when we were not upto speed.
We see a tangible difference in Anika from where she was at the start to how she is now. It was very difficult at the start, given she had not completed her pre schooling classes owing to lockdown and directly coming into Jr KG with close to zero exposure to writing skills.
We see a tangible difference in Anika from where she was at the start to how she is now. It was very difficult at the start, given she had not completed her pre schooling classes owing to lockdown and directly coming into Jr KG with close to zero exposure to writing skills.
It is great to see the curriculum team creating effective resources even while doing virtual classes. I am rest assured Chrysalis is the right choice for Anika. Special thanks to her teachers who have helped her to open up and get started positively in this journey.

"Parent of Arayan Chakrabarty – Jr.KG"


Our sincere thanks to the Chrysalis support team for their kind cooperation.
Regarding Teaching in 'new normal' and staffs: you seamlessly made "Distance learning" possible and kept the flow normal. Please accept our gratitude.
Regarding Teaching in 'new normal' and staffs: you seamlessly made "Distance learning" possible and kept the flow normal. Please accept our gratitude.
Special recommendation to Priya Ma'am( Jr kg -A): Your energy is incredible. Your classes are so inspiring that my son enjoys participating in it devotedly. I can feel his excitement while joining your classes.
You are 'the' mentor!

"Parents of Eshaan Pai"


Chrysalis Kids is one of the best preschools in whitefield. My son is in Junior KG and the kind of growth I have seen in him is really impressive. Teachers do really take care of holistic development of the kids. If any child is behind in any area they provide personal attention which is remarkable. The CRISP model which they follow has boosted my son's confidence level and we can clearly see personal as well as academic development in him. I am very happy with Chrysalis Kids and their teachers and would like to thank them for all the efforts they are putting in

"Ramyashree and Sandeep G. S
Parents of Saamya G. S"


We would like to say Saamya’s journey with Chrysalis Kids, Whitefield is so magical. She is in love with the school, teachers, all the activities and the curriculum to an extent that she feels sad to miss her school when she is sick. Initially when we decided to relocate from the US, we were a lot worried about her school as it would be a drastic cultural change for a 4+ year old. But all our worries just disappeared from day one of her school, as the friendly faculty members understand every child’s need and help them with a smooth transition. Teachers put a lot of effort in identifying her interests and encouraging her in all learning aspects be it curriculum, life skills, competitions, CRISP activities to name a few. Every day at school is a new learning filled with joy and happiness for her. We could see her growing as a more confident child and enthusiastic to learn things. Special thanks to her class teacher Pooja Ma'am. We are so glad that we made the right choice for her and hope that our wonderful journey with Chrysalis will continue to be filled with more beautiful memories.

"Kanika and Pratik
Parents of Sreenika"


I am writing to let you know that we are quite happy with the way Sreenika is receiving her early elementary education at Chrysalis Kids, Whitefield.
From an academic and overall growth perspective, we are happy with the way Sreenika is growing and really appreciate the constant feedback and transparent communication that happens between teachers and us. Events like CRISP are quite unique and make the kids quite engaged.
Teachers here have always encouraged and ensured that kids do participate actively in all the events and we wish Sreenika will get the wings to explore the world under your guidance.

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